Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gear & Supplies

I'm pretty outdoorsy, but not since boy scout camp have I spent more than a few nights in a row in the wild.  So, let's talk about the gear we'll be needing for this grand outing.

For myself, traveling in from Colorado, I suspect there'll be a balance between what I can bring along and what I'll have to procure locally.  But in more general terms, I think it'd be helpful to just list things out -- for planning & perspective, and also just so I can look longingly at that list from time to time.

First thoughts:  the regular clothes, underwear, socks.  Rain jacket.  Hat to protect my head from the sun, since my hair just isn't up to the task.  Sunscreen & insect repellent, June-upstate-NY strength.  Sunglasses too, damn this fair complexion.  My shoes for hiking, and I imagine some other footwear suited for watery activities.  Sleeping bag/hammock/blanket, whatever's appropriate to the climate that week.  Flashlight.  Toothbrush (you're welcome).  Trusty pocketknife, as long as TSA lets me bring it.

What else, team?

Friday, December 7, 2012


I for one am looking forward greatly, greatly to this trip in June.  I can say that it is unplanned, undocumented, under-scouted, and will still be a super grand adventure.  We will plan, partially document, and most possibly scout before we go, but if we don't, we will still go.    I'm guessing we will return with gout and worms, but it will be a glorious trip. Plenty of pictures and stories will come of this.  The first picture in here will be of the kinzua, our future home for a week.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Welcome to Broventure 2013

We're heading into the woods, June 12-19, 2013.  Use this page to post your thoughts, ideas, and fears. Then later we can put pictures up for evidence & insurance purposes.