Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gear & Supplies

I'm pretty outdoorsy, but not since boy scout camp have I spent more than a few nights in a row in the wild.  So, let's talk about the gear we'll be needing for this grand outing.

For myself, traveling in from Colorado, I suspect there'll be a balance between what I can bring along and what I'll have to procure locally.  But in more general terms, I think it'd be helpful to just list things out -- for planning & perspective, and also just so I can look longingly at that list from time to time.

First thoughts:  the regular clothes, underwear, socks.  Rain jacket.  Hat to protect my head from the sun, since my hair just isn't up to the task.  Sunscreen & insect repellent, June-upstate-NY strength.  Sunglasses too, damn this fair complexion.  My shoes for hiking, and I imagine some other footwear suited for watery activities.  Sleeping bag/hammock/blanket, whatever's appropriate to the climate that week.  Flashlight.  Toothbrush (you're welcome).  Trusty pocketknife, as long as TSA lets me bring it.

What else, team?


  1. Jeff is a lot better with the gear, if for some reason you lose your pocket knife I have spare leathermans. Jeff and I will talk about the gear some more, but I know coming all the way in from Colorado we don't expect you to bring much except for the clothes and a daybag, all the stuff you mentioned. We can scrounge up a light sleeping bag, not sure if Jeff is going to do hammock or tent for this one, we'll see what he has to say. Climate is going to dictate a bit. I do like this picture, because that's how I pack my bag when I go on a trip. that's a strong little dude.


    This is a link that might be helpful. My four man tent should handle us and I will bring my hammock so that I can get away from Joe's snoring (if necessary). I do have an extra light weight sleeping bag. I also have all the cooking gear: pots, stove, fuel canisters, water filter, etc. I'm expecting that most of our gear will be packed to travel by water and have plenty of dry bags as well. I've seen food supplies packed in 5 gallon (paint) buckets with lids that we can organize by day to make it easy to get to food and keep the critters away. We can get a few from Home Dept.

  3. I am a little concerned about the fact that you both seem to have sun issues. Maybe we should sleep all day and travel at night...
