Thursday, April 18, 2013

Watch out for beavers

Thank you Joe...I was not convinced that it was kayak season yet, but your invitation was just what I needed.  I live for the water and Casadaga Lake proved to be open for business.  The high water levels allowed for a wonderful trip down the river.  Nesting geese, "peepers", swans, and heron sightings abound.  The beaver dam was not a deterrent and Joe's determination conquered the rapids!  Bravo my friend, bravo!  I am looking forward to weekly paddles from here on out despite the inherent risk of animal attacks!


  1. I feel like i am going to have some catching up to do with you guys...

  2. Cassadaga really was awesome, and the peepers were crazy loud. Looking forward to getting out more soon, hopefully the weather is changing.

    Don't even worry about catching up or keeping up, that's the great part about traveling light. We will get as far as we get as quickly as we get there, camp there, eat, maybe drink, and play tri-ominoes and relax. Don't forget you've got the living at whatever thousands of feet above sea level you live at, you'll be like superman down here at sea level.

  3. Getting caught up is of no concern if you don't get here....have you booked a flight yet?
